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This form is for the California Product Stewardship Council (CPSC) to build a database of textiles professionals. In 2022, CPSC created the textile resource map through a series of pilot and research projects mapping the landscape of textile recovery globally. The map expanded by adding reuse, repair, and recycling businesses, thrift stores, craft centers, and NGOs all over the country. And most recently, adding textile businesses to help brands come to market with yarn spinning, fabric weaving, knitting, testing labs, and other production support. View the map here:

CPSC regularly updates this map as new organizations, interested in creating a circular economy, submit the form and contact CPSC. The submission of a survey does not guarantee eligibility or selection for a funded opportunity. CPSC staff will contact each candidate to confirm receipt and evaluate opportunities for collaboration.

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* 1. What type of textile business are you?

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* 2. Company Name

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* 3. What are your preferred fiber types to handle?

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* 4. Describe the volume of textiles you handle monthly (ex. a box, a trash can, a gaylord, a roll-off container, multiple large containers a week etc.)

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* 5. Contact Information

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* 6. Which textile and apparel circularity strategies are you using?

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* 7. What are the main issues preventing expansion of circular textile and apparel strategies?

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* 8. Please tell us more about any consortiums or working groups you are participating in to drive circularity in the textiles supply-system.

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