Rebus Playback Theatre Ensemble Expression Of Interest April 2023

1.First Name(Required.)
2.Last Name(Required.)
3.Preferred Name/Nickname
7.In Playback Theatre, there are three roles: Actor, Musician and Conductor. The Conductor is part MC, part facilitator. Musicians are expected to have a level of proficiency in at least one instrument, or in singing acapella. Which role/s would you like to play in the Ensemble? (tick all that apply)(Required.)
8.Are you available for either of the rehearsals times below? (tick all that apply) Note rehearsals only run during school terms.(Required.)
9.Please give a brief summary of your most relevant experience below, or send a CV of up to 2 pages outlining your relevant experience to If you are sending a CV please write ‘CV sent by email’ in the field below.(Required.)
10.Do you have any accessibility requirements? Is there anything we need to know to make the space safe for you?
11.We are aiming to create an ensemble that reflects the diversity of our society. Therefore we are interested to know if you identify as any of the following. This question is optional. Please tick as many as you identify with:
Current Progress,
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