NOFA Vermont is committed to advocating for policies that strengthen our food system by supporting sustainable farming practices, improving economic opportunities for farmers, and expanding access to local and organic foods for all Vermonters. 

Maintaining an active voice in our political process is a critical goal of NOFA Vermont, and input from our members and supporters helps to inform this work. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and let us know what policy initiatives are most important to you. 

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* 1. Are you a NOFA Vermont member?

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* 2. Which of the following best describes you?

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* 3. Have you ever taken political action (such as calling/writing a legislator, attending a rally, testifying, or volunteering for an organization) on a food or farming issue?

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* 4. If yes, which issue(s) have you taken action on?

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* 5. Please rate the following policy initiatives in terms of their importance to you:

  Not a priority Somewhat important Very important High priority
Protecting pollinators
Improving animal welfare standards
Protecting the integrity of the organic label
Transparency in food labeling
Incentivizing organic farming methods
Agricultural tools to mitigate climate change
Reducing herbicide/pesticide residues in food
Ensuring a fair wage for farm workers
Food safety
Improving water quality
Fair pay price for farmers

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* 6. What, in your opinion, are the one or two greatest obstacles to a thriving local, organic farming economy? Please explain.

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* 7. If you are a farm owner, tell us about any local, state, or federal regulations that have either helped or hindered the success of your farming operation.

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* 8. If you own or operate a farm that is not certified organic, which of the following reasons best explains why you choose not to be certified organic?

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* 9. If your farm is certified organic, do you have any concerns with the current organic standards or list of allowed substances? Please explain.

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* 10. Please tell us about any specific policy issues, regulations, or legislation that you want NOFA Vermont to actively work on.

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* 11. What actions, if any, are you willing to take to assist NOFA-VT with our advocacy efforts? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 12. NOFA Vermont values the participation of our members and supporters in everything we do! If you'd like to get involved in our policy initiatives, please leave us your contact information.