Community Input: CoC Strategic Plan

The CoC committees and Board are reviewing the current CoC Strategic Plan and making edits for the upcoming year. To ensure committees are taking on goals and actions that benefit our CoC and matter most to our community, we want to hear from you.

This survey allows you to provide suggestions to each of our 8 lateral committees and Board. Before providing your input, please review the CoC Governance Chater and current CoC Strategic Plan to better understand what the committees are already tasked with and working towards.

Thank you for your valuable input!
What actions would you like to see these committees taking?
3.Continuum of Care Board:
4.Continuum of Care Committee:
5.Coordinated Entry Committee:
6.Data Committee:
7.ESG Committee:
8.Lived Experience Committee:
9.Local Jurisdiction Committee:
10.Race Equity Committee:
11.Youth Action Committee:
12.General Feedback: