Question Title

* 1. For each of the following policies or procedures, please select the appropriate response for your organization.

  We have this policy/procedure and can share with others. We have this policy/procedure and cannot share with others. We need this policy/procedure. Not applicable
Whistle-blower Protection Policy
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Financial Policies and Procedures
Conflict of Interest Policy 
Gift Acceptance Policy 
Document Retention & Destruction Policy

Question Title

* 2. For each of the following types of insurance, please select the appropriate response for your organization.

  We have this coverage, and I am comfortable discussing it with others. We have this coverage, and I am not comfortable discussing it with others  I would like to learn more from others about this coverage. Not applicable 
General liability
Director's and Officer's (D&O)
Worker's Compensation
Property Insurance
Auto Insurance 
Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions Insurance) 

Question Title

* 3. For each of the following employee benefits or supports, please select the appropriate response for your organization.

  We have this resource and I am comfortable discussing it with others.  We have this resource and I am not comfortable discussing it with others. We have this resource, but I would still like to learn more from others about it.  We do not have this resource and I would like to learn from others about it. Not applicable.
Health insurance
Dental insurance
Vision insurance 
Retirement plan (401k, Simple IRA, etc.)
Benefit management system 
Employee handbook
Compensation structure 
Paid time off 
Non-monetary incentives

Question Title

* 4. Name (Optional)
Providing your name will help us use you as a resource if you've offered to share on certain topics and will help us match you to resources if you have needs!