Please Share A Little Bit About Yourself

Thanks for connecting! Eileen Chadnick here (Big Cheese Coaching). Wondering if we’d be a fit for coaching? Let’s start by inviting you to share a bit about yourself and your potential interest in coaching.
This survey will only take about 3-4 minutes and will help me learn a little about you before we queue up a phone chat. Please be assured, I keep your information in full confidence, regardless of whether or not you sign up for coaching. 

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* 1. What areas are you potentially interested in getting some coaching support? Feel free to check as many options that you have some interest in. 

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* 2. What Best Describes Your Career Stage? 

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* 3. Which best describes your level of interest and readiness to engage a coach?

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* 4. If we are a fit, would coaching be a feasible financial investment for you? 

Note: program fees depend on the program. They involve a number of sessions and other parameters. Programs can range from 7 sessions to more extended engagements (12+). Some clients also engage for shorter ‘micro-coaching’ with fewer than a handful of sessions. Fees can range from $200-$350+ (plus HST)+ per session depending on the program (# sessions, level of experience, assessments, etc.). 

On occasion, I offer special discounts (seasonal, and/or some ‘scholarship’ fee assistance). Instalment plans are available.  Further pricing detail available upon discussion with coach.

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* 5. Anything else you'd like to make sure you share with Eileen -- including questions you'll want her to know in advance of scheduling a chat?

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* 6. Ready to Connect Further?

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* 7. Almost done - please share a few important details. 

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* 8. Would you like to be added to my newsletter list to receive tips, advice, and news of programs, webinars, talks, etc. ?