Health Literacy Training Course Evaluation Question Title * 1. What type of organization do you currently work or volunteer with? Literacy Organization K-12 Public Schools Post-Secondary Institution Community-Based Organization Library Other Question Title * 2. Do you currently work with adult literacy students? Yes No Question Title * 3. Do you currently teach health literacy to your students? Yes No Question Title * 4. Rate the following statements: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree This course was informative. This course was informative. Strongly Disagree This course was informative. Disagree This course was informative. Neutral This course was informative. Agree This course was informative. Strongly Agree The content was useful and relevant to my job or services. The content was useful and relevant to my job or services. Strongly Disagree The content was useful and relevant to my job or services. Disagree The content was useful and relevant to my job or services. Neutral The content was useful and relevant to my job or services. Agree The content was useful and relevant to my job or services. Strongly Agree The materials and resources were useful. The materials and resources were useful. Strongly Disagree The materials and resources were useful. Disagree The materials and resources were useful. Neutral The materials and resources were useful. Agree The materials and resources were useful. Strongly Agree The course met my expectations. The course met my expectations. Strongly Disagree The course met my expectations. Disagree The course met my expectations. Neutral The course met my expectations. Agree The course met my expectations. Strongly Agree The presenter was knowledgeable and helpful. The presenter was knowledgeable and helpful. Strongly Disagree The presenter was knowledgeable and helpful. Disagree The presenter was knowledgeable and helpful. Neutral The presenter was knowledgeable and helpful. Agree The presenter was knowledgeable and helpful. Strongly Agree I would recommend the course to colleagues. I would recommend the course to colleagues. Strongly Disagree I would recommend the course to colleagues. Disagree I would recommend the course to colleagues. Neutral I would recommend the course to colleagues. Agree I would recommend the course to colleagues. Strongly Agree Question Title * 5. Was the course length too long, too short, or about right? Much too long Somewhat too long About right Somehwat too short Much too short Question Title * 6. Do you have any other questions or comments? Done