Please read carefully and answer properly

Question Title

* 1. In order to receive credit, we need your name

Question Title

The next three questions refer to a toy car which is given a quick push so that it rolls up an inclined ramp. After it is released, it rolls up, reaches its highest point and rolls back down again. Friction is so small it can be ignored.

The next three questions refer to a toy car which is given a quick push so that it rolls up an inclined ramp. After it is released, it rolls up, reaches its highest point and rolls back down again. Friction is so small it can be ignored.

Question Title

* 2. The car is moving up the ramp after it is released.

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* 3. The car is at its highest point.

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* 4. The car is moving down the ramp.

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the image below shows me as I sling a rock around me in a circle in the horizontal plane, "David and Goliath" style, with the little arrow indicating the direction of the rock's motion. At right are several arrows indicating a vector direction with G being a zero vector, H into the paper, and I out of the paper pointed at you.

the image below shows me as I sling a rock around me in a circle in the horizontal plane, "David and Goliath" style, with the little arrow indicating the direction of the rock's motion. At right are several arrows indicating a vector direction with G being a zero vector, H into the paper, and I out of the paper pointed at you.

Question Title

* 5. At the moment depicted in the image, identify all the forces acting on the rock. Indicate the direction of each of these forces below.

Question Title

* 6. At the moment depicted in the image, what is the direction of the net force on the ball?