The St Mary's Father's Day Breakfast is taking place on FRIDAY 1st September from 7:30am - 9am in the school courtyard. All dads, grandfathers and father figures are welcome to attend and have breakfast with the kids.  The cost will be $10 per family, payable on the day. Students whose fathers cannot attend on the day can still purchase breakfast at a cost of $5 per family.

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* 1. Family Name

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* 2. How many adults will be attending the breakfast?

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* 3. How may children will be attending the breakfast?

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* 4. The menu will consist of Bacon & Egg rolls and sausages in bread (and a coffee for the dads).  Do you have any other dietary requirements? If so, please include some suggestions we may be able to cater for.

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* 5. What following time is the closest that will you arrive?