Copy of The Five Winter 2020 Survey (One Minute) Question Title * 1. How would you describe yourself politically? Very Far Left (Socialist) Pretty Far Left (Democratic Socialist) Classical Liberal (Traditional/Moderate Democrat) Dead Middle Centrist Moderately Right Solidly Right (Straight Ticket Republican) Other Right (Libertarian, etc.) Question Title * 2. How would you describe your religious worldview/philosophy on life. Catholic Protestant Orthodox (Greek, Russian, etc) Athiest Agnostic (God is possible/unkown) Muslim Jewish Buddhist New Age Hindu Other Question Title * 3. Do you regularly consume cable news (CNN, Fox, MSNBC)? No Yes Question Title * 4. Would you enjoy interacting with other readers of The Five to discuss important topics (via an app or social media group) Yes No Question Title * 5. Do you regularly consume YouTube/Podcast shows about news & current events? Yes, daily Yes, every few days Yes, when breaking news is happening (i.e. missing sub, bank crashes) No Question Title * 6. Do you regularly seek out and discover new music? Yes, weekly Yes, I like new music when it's suggested to me I mainly listen to the music I already know I do not listen to much music Question Title * 7. Do you see movies in the theater? Yes, monthly Yes, more than once a month Yes, quarterly Never Question Title * 8. Do you enjoy narrative driven (fictional, not reality or contest) TV shows? Yes, I enjoy keeping up with the online discussion and themes. I'm not concerned with spoilers. I'll get to the "buzzy" shows when I can (i.e. Yellowstone, Last of Us) It doesn't matter to me. Question Title * 9. Do you regularly read? Yes, both fiction and nonfiction books Mainly fiction books Mainly nonfiction books I don't read much Done