This form allows your agency to submit print and digital materials for review to the Los Angeles County Department of Health's Nutrition and Physical Activity Program. Please allow 2 business days for materials review and approval.

If you have any questions regarding this form or the materials review process, please email Kelli Vos ( or contact your Program Manager.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 4. Is this material based on a template that has already been approved by the Department of Public Health? If yes, you do not need to submit the item for review unless the logos have been altered.

Question Title

* 5. Briefly describe the type of material to be reviewed (ex. flyer, banner, video, presentation, t-shirt, etc.)

Question Title

* 6. Describe the purpose of the material and how it will be used.

Question Title

* 7. Is the item to be reviewed a video?

If the item to be reviewed is a video, do one of the following:
  • Upload the video to YouTube as an unlisted video and share the link.
  • Upload the video to Vimeo and look for the "send file" icon in the bottom corner of your video's thumbnail. Here, you can share a private version of the video for review.
  • If your organization does not have YouTube or Vimeo, go to Click on "Add Your Files" and select your video file (.mp4) for transfer. Email the file to In the message, please indicate that the file is for review.
If you have any issues with sharing a video file, or the file is too large to send via WeTransfer, please email Kelli Vos (

Question Title

* 8. Video link (if applicable)

Question Title

* 9. Upload the document or file to be reviewed.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 10. Do you have additional materials to review?