Customer Satisfaction
Who is your Landlord?
Clarion Housing
Moat Homes
Metropolitian Thames Valley
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
Reading Borough Council
Places for People
A2 Dominion
One Housing
BD Group
How easy was it to book your appointment?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
How easy was it to book your appointment?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
How helpful was the Call handler during booking?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
Did engineer have full PPE, Say his name and show his Identification?
Yes, Engineers Name
How satisfied were you with the work completed?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
How satisfied was you with the overall service?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? Alternatively Should you wish to speak to a member of the Customer Service team please provide contact details and a member of the team will be in touch