In order to support PPOC practices with preparing for a fully capitated payment model in the upcoming 2023 Medicaid ACO, we are proud to offer the following in person or virtual session - Financial budgeting in a Capitated Model. 

This presentation is designed for practice managers, managing partners and any other staff member charged with managing and overseeing the practice finances.

The session will be presented by Paul D. Vanchiere, MBA. Paul is the founder of the Pediatric Management Institute (PMI) and is the Chief Financial Officer of Greenwood Pediatrics in Pearland, Texas.

With over 15 years of healthcare management and finance experience, Paul has worked with physicians specializing in pediatrics, cardiology and pathology practices. He specializes in completing a comprehensive set of financial analyses, including practice cost, physician compensation, and managed care contract negotiations.

For those that are interested in attending in person, dinner will be provided.

Please fill out the following survey to get registered and contact with any questions. Zoom information will be sent directly to registrants. 

Financial Budgeting In A Capitated Model Learning Session 
PPOC Board Room, 112 Worcester St., Suite 300, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Dinner & Networking: 5:30pm
Presentation: 7:00 - 8:00pm

Question Title

* 1. Will you be attending Financial Budgeting Under Capitated Model Learning Session in person?

Question Title

* 2. Your contact info:

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any dietary restrictions? (Select all that apply.)