Sidewalk Funding and Maintenance


Connected and well-maintained sidewalk systems are a core element of any walkable community, however, the policies and funding that build and maintain sidewalks vary between jurisdictions and how these systems are associated with pedestrian behaviors are not well documented.  This survey is designed to begin identifying the range of policies and practices guiding sidewalk development and maintenance throughout the United States so that we can begin to understand how these systems are associated with community outcomes.  Thank you for taking 5-7 minutes to help us understand how this is done in your community. Please feel free to complete a separate survey for each jurisdiction that you work in. 
1.What State do you work in?
2.What city or town do your answers cover?
3.What is the population of the city/town you work in?
4.Does your municipality or county have a sidewalk maintenance and repair plan?
5.Does your municipality have an ADA compliance plan?
6.For existing residential areas, who is responsible for paying for sidewalk construction in the community where you work?  If more than one option applies, select  the option that most frequently pays.
7.For existing commercial or business areas, who is responsible for paying for sidewalk construction in the community where you work?  If more than one option applies, select  the option that most frequently pays.
8.For new building construction projects, who is responsible for paying for sidewalk construction in the community where you work?  If more than one option applies, select  the option that most frequently pays.
9.For roadway construction projects, who is responsible for paying for sidewalk construction in the community where you work?  If more than one option applies, select  the option that most frequently pays.
10.In residential areas, who is responsible for paying for sidewalk maintenance?
11.In commercial or business areas, who is responsible for paying for sidewalk maintenance?
12.Who is responsible for snow removal from your sidewalks?
13.Are sidewalks required on both sides of the street in all construction?
14.Who is responsible for ensuring that sidewalks are installed?
15.Who is responsible for ensuring that sidewalks are maintained?
16.Does your State maintain GIS data on the presence and repair needs of sidewalks?
17.Does your municipality or county maintain GIS data on state of local sidewalk system?
18.How are sidewalk repairs prioritized in your community?  For example, filing gaps in the network, highly frequented areas such as schools, transit stops?
19.Has your municipality use any of the following to finance sidewalk building and maintenance?
20.Based on your professional experience, what is the one policy improvement that could ensure that your entire community has a well-connected, appropriately maintained, safe sidewalk system?
21.Please share any additional comments or observations here.  Thank you.
22.If you are interested in a copy of the results please provide your email and we will send them to you.  Thank you.
Current Progress,
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