CC storm tactics
Have you ever been in a full gale or a storm at sea with sustained winds over 40 knots?
If yes, how long did the storm last?
Less than six hours
Six to 12 hours
12 to 18 hours
18 to 24 hours
More than 24 hours
What sail combination did you use in the storm? (Check all that apply.)
Deep reefed main and reefed/rolled in jib
Deep reefed main and rolled jib away
Dowsed main and reefed jib
Flew storm trysail and reefed jib
Flew trysail and storm jib/staysail
Flew storm jib alone
Ran under bare poles
What was your strategy in the storm?
Run for shelter if possible
Carry on under deeply reefed sails
Heave to
Run before the storm
Trail warps or a drogue while running
Lie to a sea anchor
Call the rescue services for evacuation