KLMA - Community Engagement Survey 2024
How often do you visit museums in general?
2-3 times per year
more than 3 times per year
1 time per year
occasionally over the last few years
What is the most important factor to you when deciding to visit a museum or not?
Suitable for all ages
Location/Distance from home
Types of Exhibits
Proximity to other attractions
Hours of operation
Personal recommendation from someone you know
Have you visited the Kawartha Lakes Museum & Archives?
Yes, in the last year
Yes, in the last 5 years
I'm a member
Online only
Museums play an important role in educating the community through a variety of initiatives. Of the following statements, which would you agree are important for KLMA to support for our community? Please check all that apply.
Preserving Cultural Heritage:
Museums should serve as custodians of cultural heritage, preserving and safeguarding objects, artifacts, and artworks that represent the history, traditions, and identity of diverse communities.
Providing Accessible Learning Experiences:
Museums should offer accessible and inclusive learning experiences for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities, fostering a lifelong love of learning and curiosity about the world.
Promoting Critical Thinking and Inquiry:
Museums should encourage critical thinking and inquiry by presenting diverse perspectives, encouraging dialogue, and challenging visitors to question assumptions and explore complex issues.
Supporting Formal Education:
Museums should complement and support formal education by providing resources, programs, and experiences that enhance classroom learning and meet curriculum objectives across various subjects.
Fostering Creativity and Innovation:
Museums should inspire creativity and innovation by showcasing artistic expression, scientific discovery, and technological advancement, sparking imagination and problem-solving skills in visitors.
Connecting Past, Present, and Future:
Museums should bridge the gap between past, present, and future generations by connecting historical narratives with contemporary issues and envisioning a more inclusive and sustainable future.
Empowering Communities:
Museums should empower communities by amplifying diverse voices, celebrating cultural diversity, and providing platforms for marginalized or underrepresented groups to share their stories and perspectives.
Promoting Social Justice and Equity:
Museums should advocate for social justice and equity by addressing historical injustices, promoting empathy and understanding, and advocating for positive social change through exhibitions, programs, and outreach initiatives.
Engaging with Technology and Innovation:
Museums should embrace technology and innovation to enhance visitor experiences, expand access to collections and knowledge, and adapt to changing audience preferences and expectations.
Collaborating with Community Partners:
Museums should collaborate with community organizations, schools, universities, and cultural institutions to co-create programs, exhibitions, and initiatives that reflect local needs and interests and maximize community impact.
Do you believe museums should actively engage with controversial topics and current events? Why or why not?
How important is it for museums to collaborate with local communities and artists in their exhibits and programs?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
None at all
What initiatives or programs do you think museums could implement to foster greater diversity, equity, and inclusion within their institutions and audiences?
How important is it to you that museums integrate technology and digital platforms to enhance their event/exhibit experiences and reach broader audiences?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
None at all
How can museums balance the preservation of cultural heritage with the need to remain relevant and responsive to changing societal dynamics with their events and program offerings?
Do you think museums should prioritize environmental sustainability and adopt practices that minimize their ecological footprint? Why or why not?
In what ways can museums contribute to the local economy and community development beyond their cultural and educational missions?
How likely are you to support a museum through donations, memberships, or volunteering opportunities? Choose all that apply.
Financial donation
Artifact donation
Membership or season's pass
None of the above
Do you prefer to support specific programs, exhibitions, or areas of a museum's operations with your donations? If so, which ones?
What strategies do you think museums should implement to attract new donors and broaden their base of support within the community?
If you were able to choose the topics/scope of the next 3 exhibits, events or programs, what would they be?