Deadline for submission is December 5, 2024

The Soccer Parent of the year award shall be awarded to an individual who has shown extraordinary accomplishments as a parent volunteer.

The individual must be nominated by an NJYS Member League or Club Administrator only.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee's Name

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* 2. Home Address (Street Name, City, State, Zip Code)

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* 3. Email address

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* 4. Phone number

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* 5. Gender

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* 6. Years/Age Groups associated

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* 7. Club Affiliation

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* 8. Club President

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* 9. Nominator's Name

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* 10. Relation to the Nominee

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* 11. Nominator's phone number

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* 12. Nominator's email address

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* 13. Nomination: To be written about the nominee (no more than one typed page) answering the following criteria.

Criteria: Responses to each of the following are encouraged, but not required, and should be uploaded below.

a. Commitment to the Team: Did the parent establish a sense of community with their child’s team? Did he/she take on volunteer opportunities? Has he/she been a positive role model on the sidelines?
b. Commitment to their Child: Has the parent had a levelheaded mentality towards the sporting experience and been a supportive parent?
c. Coach Nomination: Personal statement from Coach regarding why he/she believes the parent should receive this award.
d. Parent Statement:  Personal statement from the parent on why it would be an honor to receive the award and what being a successful soccer parent means to him/her.
e. Other Recommendations: Other parents, coaches, and players may provide information on how the parent has positively impacted the team.


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