BTC Waiting List Application |
Thank you for your interest in Burnaby Tennis Club
The Burnaby Tennis Club maintains a waitlist of prospective members. Our club prioritizes memberships of Burnaby residents, family members, juniors (new and former juniors) and women as such we cannot anticipate when you might be offered a membership. Priorities are subject to change upon review. Unfortunately, we are unable to give a definitive time frame.
Applicants must apply online, using the online form provided. We will not accept any other form of application. Your application may be withdrawn at any time. If a membership is offered and not accepted, you will be asked whether you wish to be moved to the end of the wait list OR removed from the waitlist completely. All membership rates are subject to change without notice.
Membership and initiation fees, click HERE.
Registration begins the first week of October. If you are eligible to register, an email will be sent to you during this time.
Thank you!
Thank you!