2020 Estado 29 Orphanage Partnership Visit Application Question Title * 1. Please provide the following information. Make sure to include your full first, middle, and last name as it appears on official government issued IDs (passport, license, etc.) and make sure your date of birth matches the format indicated. First Name Middle Name Last Name Nickname (If different than above) Date of birth (dd/mmm/yyyy - e.g. 30DEC1980) Phone Number Email Address Current Grade (If applicable) Frequent Flyer # (if applicable - include airline and number) OK Question Title * 2. Every trip participant will have an emergency contact back home. Please provide the following emergency contact information. Name * Address * Address 2 City/Town * State/Province * ZIP/Postal Code * Email Address * Phone Number * OK Question Title * 3. Are you a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church or another faith community? Priority will be given to active Westminster members. I am a member of Westminster I am a visitor at Westminster I am a member at a different faith community (please comment below) I am not involved in a faith community Name of my faith community OK Question Title * 4. Do you have any medical conditions or dietary restrictions the trip leaders should be aware of? No Yes Please describe OK Question Title * 5. For adults 18 years or older at the time of the trip, do you have clearances on file with the church according to the church's child protection policy? If not, will you comply with the church policy? My clearances are on file and up to date My clearances are not on file but I will comply with church policy My clearances are not on file but I will not comply with church policy OK Question Title * 6. 1st Time Applicants Only: Why do you want to be a member on this team? OK Question Title * 7. 1st Time Applicants Only: Briefly describe your faith journey. You can include what it means to follow Jesus, to be part of the Church, what role faith plays in your daily life, etc. OK Question Title * 8. 1st Time Applicants Only: Describe your level of experience in cross-cultural situations. What are your strengths and weaknesses in such experiences? OK Question Title * 9. Returning Applicants Only: Why do you want to return? How has your past participation on this trip impacted your faith? What have you learned from past trips that you hope to incorporate into your experience this year? OK Question Title * 10. Our trip preparation meetings are typically on Sundays. Which of the following times on a Sunday would you prefer to meet? (please select all that would work for you) 1:00pm - 2:30pm 4:00pm - 5:30pm 6:00pm - 7:30pm OK DONE