2024 Sarasota County Community Health Survey Section 1: Community Health Question Title * 1. From the following list, what do you think are the five (5) most important factors that contribute to a “healthy community?” Access to quality healthcare/dental services Access to low-cost, healthy food(s) Affordable housing Affordable health insurance Arts & cultural events Clean/safe environment Community Inclusiveness Disaster preparedness Emergency Services (Police, Fire/EMS) Good, quality schools Good place to raise children Healthy behaviors & lifestyle Healthy economy Healthy weight Job growth/adequate wages Life expectancy Low adult death/disease rates Low levels of child abuse Low infant death rates (mortality) Parks & recreation, sports Pedestrian/biking safety Public transportation Religious or spiritual values Safe neighborhoods Strong family life Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. From the following list, what do you think are the five (5) most important health topics facing our community today? Cancer(s) Child abuse/neglect Climate change Dementia/Alzheimer’s Dental health Diabetes (high blood sugar) Domestic violence Falls/mobility Firearm related injuries/assaults Food security/access Heart (cardiovascular) disease, high blood pressure, stroke Health literacy (the ability to find, understand, and use health information to make good health decisions) HIV/AIDS Homicides Homelessness Human/sex trafficking Infant death Infectious disease (Hepatitis, TB) Mental/behavioral health, including suicide Obesity/overweight Rape/sexual assault Respiratory/lung illness/disease (COPD, asthma, COVID-19, RSV) Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs/STIs) Substance use/abuse & overdose Teenage pregnancy Tobacco use/vaping Question Title * 3. From the list below, what do you think are the three (3) most important “risky” or unhealthy behaviors in our community today? Alcohol abuse Being overweight Discrimination/racism Distracted driving Driving under the influence of alcohol/substance Dropping out of school Drug/substance abuse (prescription & illicit) Engaging in unsafe/unprotected sex Gun/firearm safety Lack of exercise Lack of maternity/prenatal care Not getting vaccinated to prevent disease Not wearing a helmet (bike, sports, motorcycle) Not using seatbelts Overdevelopment/urban sprawl Poor eating habits/unhealthy eating Smoking/vaping Stigma Question Title * 4. How would you rate the overall health of our community? Very healthy Healthy Somewhat healthy Very unhealthy 12% of survey complete. Next