Métopi Pharmaceuticals - Portahaler
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Do you think the features offered by the Portahaler, from its more practical size to its accessibility and wearability options, could help increase the likelihood of you always having your rescue inhaler?
No (please explain why)
Which feature is most appealing to you? Simply its smaller size? wrist wearability? etc.
Would you acquire the Porthaler? and how?
I would want the Portahaler instead of my current rescue inhaler.
I would want the Portahaler in addition to my current rescue inhaler.
I would not want the Portahaler. (Please explain why)
Any additional comments or feedback? Are they any more accessibility options you would like to see? Honest opinions on the infographic?
If you would like to be part of the development and progression of the Portahaler, or want a chance to win an Amazon gift card, please drop your email here!
If you have any additional comments, concerns, or feedback, please reach out at info@metopipharma.com