As you know, Cardiac Surgery is a demanding specialty that can negatively impact our overall health and wellness. The CSCS Wellness Taskforce is committed to investigating the potential sources of burnout and areas that negatively affect our wellness in an attempt to make improvements nationally. Towards this goal, we request your participation in the following survey. This survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes or less to complete. Your responses are confidential and no attempt to identify any individual survey respondent will be made. The knowledge gained from the survey will be used for research purposes to help develop strategies to implement wellness initiatives and improvements. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?

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* 2. What is your age category?

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* 3. If you are a resident/fellow please select the correct choice. (If you are a staff select "none of the above")

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* 4. If you are a staff surgeon please select what year of practice you are in. (If you are a resident/fellow select "none of the above")

Question Title

* 5. Which region of Canada are you currently practicing or training in?

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the overall work-life balance in your current role as a cardiac surgeon/resident/fellow? (0 = very poor, 10 = very good)

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. How would you rate the clarity and transparency of communication regarding policies and procedures related to employee wellness in your workplace? (0 = very poor, 10 = very good)

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. The workload in my current position is manageable:

Question Title

* 9. I have flexibility in my work schedule to accommodate personal and family needs?

Question Title

* 10. I feel comfortable seeking help or support for work-related stress or mental health concerns in my workplace:

Question Title

* 11. I feel recognized and appreciated for my contributions to the team and organization:

Question Title

* 12. I feel a great deal of stress because of my job:

Question Title

* 13. I feel my time spent at work is being used efficiently:

Question Title

* 14. My job allows me time to include wellness related activities into my daily routine:

Question Title

* 15. I feel disadvantaged at work due to aspects of my identify (ie. gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion):

Question Title

* 16. My current financial status causes me anxiety:

Question Title

* 17. How satisfied are you with the support and resources provided for managing stress and mental well-being in your workplace? (ie. mental health resources or initiatives offered, counselling, comfort reaching out to superiors and colleagues, personal days)

Question Title

* 18. Please rate the level of job satisfaction you experience in your current position as a cardiac surgeon/resident

Question Title

* 19. To what extent do you feel that your workplace promotes a culture of open communication and collaboration among colleagues?

Question Title

* 20. The amount of time I spend on work related tasks at home is:

Question Title

* 21. Going to work each day is energizing:

Question Title

* 22. I drink the recommended daily water intake (2-3 litres):

Question Title

* 23. I use substances such as alcohol/drugs/cigarettes to cope with stress from work:

Question Title

* 24. I find myself sad, angry, irritable:

Question Title

* 25. How well does your workplace address issues related to work-related fatigue and burnout?

Question Title

* 26. How well does your workplace accommodate and support a healthy work environment, considering factors like ergonomics and facilities for relaxation?

Question Title

* 27. Using your own definition of your level of burnout, please choose one of the following answers:

Question Title

* 28. I have experienced depression due to my career:

Question Title

* 29. I have experienced suicidal ideations because of my career:

Question Title

* 30. Have you ever experienced physical illness (i.e. neck or back pain) that you believe is related to your work?

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* 31. Have you ever personally experienced sexual harassment in the workplace?

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* 32. Have you ever witnessed sexual harassment in the workplace?

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* 33. How many hours a week on average do you work (including paperwork/electronic charts at home)?

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* 34. If you had the opportunity to start over, would you still pursue a career in Cardiac Surgery?

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* 35. Wellness is truly an individual concept and means different things to different people, in your words can you tell us about your definition of wellness and whether or not cardiac surgery as a profession has been conducive to achieving your wellness goals.

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* 36. Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or comments about this questionnaire.

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* 37. If you would like to be entered into a draw for a $300 gift card towards a wellness experience of your choice, please email the word "WELLNESS" to