NSMHPCN Clinical Conference "Providing Palliative Care in a Diverse World", May 28, 2024

Feedback Survey

1.Please indicate your discipline/role.
2.Key Note Speakers: Chantal Byrnes Leadbeater and Laura Naumann, Palliative Care and Severe Mental Illness

Were your learning objectives for this session met?
3.Break out room Speakers: Tracey Human and Janet Elder, Palliative Care and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Were your learning objectives for this session met?
4.Break out Room Speaker: Ron Easton, Palliative Care and the Vulnerably Housed

Were your learning objectives for this session met?
5.Closing Speaker: Evan McCraney, Palliative Care and Sexual and Gender Minorities

Were your learning objectives for this session met?
6.Did you enjoy the comedic presentation by Andrea Murray?
7.I found the day intellectually challenging and stimulating.
8.I learned something valuable and relevant to my practice.
9.What did you like about this event??
10.What did you dislike about this event?
11.What would you like to see presented at future NSMHPCN Clinical Conferences?
12.Have you visited our website? (www.nsmhpcn.ca)
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