What is our average daily contact with others?

You would like to contribute to a better understanding of the current coronavirus pandemic in Luxembourg? Take part in this survey and help researchers in Luxembourg to find out how our social interactions and contact patterns change during the pandemic.

The survey is anonymous and takes less than 2 minutes to complete. You are asked to indicate your age, gender and nationality, but no other personal data is requested.

Results of the survey can be transmitted to research institutions, statistical offices and ministries in Luxembourg for analysis.
We do this survey regularly, in order to track the change in behaviour during the different phases of the COVID-19 crisis.

Taking part in this survey is completely voluntary, and you may refuse to do so. However, we would really value your support as findings will provide invaluable information for decision making and strategies developed in the near future.

Many thanks for your participation!

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* 1. Participation agreement

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* 2. Your age

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* 3. Your gender

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* 4. Your nationality

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* 5. Not including you, how many other people live in your household? By household, we mean anyone living at the same address as you, that you share a kitchen with.

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* 6. With how many people have you had a personal conversation (contact) in the past 24 hours beside the members of your household? A contact means a conversation with more than 3 words, face-to-face, i.e. not via phone or videochat, at a distance less than 2m. Members of your own household excluded. Try to think about it carefully and track your daily routine.