Please complete and submit upon completion of the program to obtain your clock hours.

Please rate each item using the following 5-point Likert scale.
N/A: 0                
Poor: 1                      
Fair/Satisfactory: 2                   
Average: 3                 
Above Average: 4                  
Superior: 5

Question Title

* 1. Demographic Information

Question Title

* 2. Self-Care is Not an Option: Protecting Against Secondary Trauma and Burnout (Dombrowski)
Saturday, 2/3/24 8:00 am – 10:00 am 2 Hours

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Average 4 - Above Average 5 - Superior
Speaker's presentation style and ability to maintain interest
Speaker’s knowledge and expertise of the subject
Program topic and objectives were clearly stated and met
Program content and structure met stated expectations
Usefulness of material to my professional practice
Opportunity for interaction and exercises in this training
Quality of supplied course materials I received
Length of presentation and use of time was effectively managed
Impression of the overall value of the training session
How well this training session integrated with the overall conference program?
Room and accommodations?

Question Title

* 3. Integrating Mindfulness and Creative Expression to Foster Emotional Resilience in Youth (De La Espriella)
Saturday, 2/2/24 10:15 am – 12:15 pm 2 Hours

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Average 4 - Above Average 5 - Superior
Speaker's presentation style and ability to maintain interest
Speaker’s knowledge and expertise of the subject
Program topic and objectives were clearly stated and met
Program content and structure met stated expectations
Usefulness of material to my professional practice
Opportunity for interaction and exercises in this training
Quality of supplied course materials I received
Length of presentation and use of time was effectively managed
Impression of the overall value of the training session
How well this training session integrated with the overall conference program?
Room and accommodations?

Question Title

* 4. Exploring Therapeutic Presence and Polyvagal Theory to be a
Clinical Super Co-Regulator (Sheehan-Zeidler)
Saturday, 2/3/24 10:15 am – 12:15 pm 2 Hours

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Average 4 - Above Average 5 - Superior
Speaker's presentation style and ability to maintain interest
Speaker’s knowledge and expertise of the subject
Program topic and objectives were clearly stated and met
Program content and structure met stated expectations
Usefulness of material to my professional practice
Opportunity for interaction and exercises in this training
Quality of supplied course materials I received
Length of presentation and use of time was effectively managed
Impression of the overall value of the training session
How well this training session integrated with the overall conference program?
Room and accommodations?

Question Title

* 5. EMDR Protocols and Disaster Trauma: Hope for the
Disillusionment Dilemma (Todd & Whitehead & Stewart)
Saturday, 2/3/24 12:45 pm – 2:45 pm 2 Hours

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Average 4 - Above Average 5 - Superior
Speaker's presentation style and ability to maintain interest
Speaker’s knowledge and expertise of the subject
Program topic and objectives were clearly stated and met
Program content and structure met stated expectations
Usefulness of material to my professional practice
Opportunity for interaction and exercises in this training
Quality of supplied course materials I received
Length of presentation and use of time was effectively managed
Impression of the overall value of the training session
How well this training session integrated with the overall conference program?
Room and accommodations?

Question Title

* 6. Awards Luncheon, Annual Membership Meeting,
& Legislative Update (Erwin & Mixon & Sanders-Burnett)
Saturday, 2/3/24 12:30 PM– 3:00 PM 2.5 Hours

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Average 4 - Above Average 5 - Superior
Speaker's presentation style and ability to maintain interest
Speaker’s knowledge and expertise of the subject
Program topic and objectives were clearly stated and met
Program content and structure met stated expectations
Usefulness of material to my professional practice
Opportunity for interaction and exercises in this training
Quality of supplied course materials I received
Length of presentation and use of time was effectively managed
Impression of the overall value of the training session
How well this training session integrated with the overall conference program?
Room and accommodations?

Question Title

* 7. Impact of Generational Trauma on Immigrants, Refugees and
Cross-Cultural Families (Erwin) Saturday, 2/3/24 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm 3 Hours

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Average 4 - Above Average 5 - Superior
Speaker's presentation style and ability to maintain interest
Speaker’s knowledge and expertise of the subject
Program topic and objectives were clearly stated and met
Program content and structure met stated expectations
Usefulness of material to my professional practice
Opportunity for interaction and exercises in this training
Quality of supplied course materials I received
Length of presentation and use of time was effectively managed
Impression of the overall value of the training session
How well this training session integrated with the overall conference program?
Room and accommodations?

Question Title

* 8. Uncovering Hidden Gems: Using Psychodrama as a strength-
based tool for Post-Traumatic Growth Saturday, 2/3/24 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm 3 Hours

  1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Average 4 - Above Average 5 - Superior
Speaker's presentation style and ability to maintain interest
Speaker’s knowledge and expertise of the subject
Program topic and objectives were clearly stated and met
Program content and structure met stated expectations
Usefulness of material to my professional practice
Opportunity for interaction and exercises in this training
Quality of supplied course materials I received
Length of presentation and use of time was effectively managed
Impression of the overall value of the training session
How well this training session integrated with the overall conference program?
Room and accommodations?

Question Title

* 9. What elements of the program were LEAST applicable to your job and/or professional development?

Question Title

* 10. What elements of the program were MOST applicable to your job and/or professional development?

Question Title

* 11. What topics would you like to see FMHCA offer in future FMHCA Annual Conferences/or Events?

Question Title

* 12. Additional comments or suggestions about the FMHCA Annual Conference.

Thank you for participating in the FMHCA 2024 FMHCA Annual Conference .
We look forward to seeing you next year!

Please remember that you must complete this evaluation at the end of the session in order to receive your clock hours.