Copy of TCMS Federal Funds Survey

TCMS Parent Engagement Survey

The following statements will encourage you to reflect on family issues at your school. Please rate your school in the following areas. Click the number that corresponds your response. 
1.Recognizes that all parents, regardless of income, educational level, or cultural background, want their children to do well in school and are involved in their children's learning.
2.Supplies a written Title I parent engagement policy that is jointly developed with parents that outlines the partnership among the student, parent, and school.
3.Holds an annual meeting to inform parents of children in Title I programs about the Title I program.
4.Provides resources such as books, videos, and newsletters that help with better parent participation at home.
5.Encourages and provides opportunities for parental input into the design and development of the school-parent compact.
6.Schedules varied meeting times to accommodate parents' work and childcare schedules.
7.Provides parents with ideas on how to help their children with homework.
8.Thinks of the community as an extension of the family.
9.Provides opportunities for parents to have input in the operations of the school.
10.Staff sees how diversity may be used to enrich learning experiences for students.
11.Uses information from parents/guardians/family surveys to design or change school procedures and programs.
12.Please comment on this issue: 
I would like to recommend the following changes for how the school communicates with families. 
13.Please comment on this issue:
I would like to recommend the following changes for the Title I services my child is receiving. 
14.Please comment on this issue:
I would like to recommend these changes for the Title I parent engagement policy. 

15.Please list other comments you may want to say/share:
Please list other ways that the district can help support you in your efforts to support your child's academic and social success.