Round 1 - Online Survey

The project aims to create an up-to-date set of national recycled material specifications for sorting and processing facilities. 

We would like your feedback regarding the specifications listed for sorters and processors for each relevant material type and what specifications are suitable to be used as a minimal standard. Please refer to the project briefing presentation slides when completing this survey. 

At a later date, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback about the challenges, impacts and risks of these specifications.  

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* 1. What is your first and last name?

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* 2. Please provide a contact email 

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* 3. What organisation or entity do you represent?

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* 4. What material type do you work with? (Click all that apply)

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* 5. What is your/your organisation's role in the materials supply chain? (Click all that apply)

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* 6. Are any of the listed specifications used in your negotiations?

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* 7. If yes, which of the listed specifications are used? (List for all relevant material types)

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* 8. Are there other specifications commonly used in the industry not listed?

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* 9. If yes, what are other industry specifications not listed?

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* 10. What do you like about the listed specifications? (E.g. they apply to my product, they increase the value of my product/material, they are a good basic guide)

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* 11. What do you dislike about the listed specifications? (E.g. they do not apply to my product, they do not increase the value of my product/material, they are too specific, they are too general)

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* 12. Which of the listed specifications is the most suitable minimum standard to use in the industry? (Please provide for your relevant material type/s only. Identify specs for sorters and processors separately)

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* 13. Do you have any feedback regarding the material flow pathways?

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* 14. List up to 3 key stakeholders for each material type that you believe should be contacted for this project

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* 15. Do you have other feedback about the project or specifications?