Information regarding credit for class:

Question Title

* 1. Are you receiving credit in your class for your participation in this study?

If you answered "YES" please provide the following information so that I can inform your instructor of your participation in this study.
Please note that your responses to the surveys in the study can in no way be linked to your name. The information below is being collected in a separate file.

If you answered "NO" then click on "exit this survey" in the upper right corner.

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your name in the box below

Question Title

* 3. Please give the prefix and name (e.g., PSY101: Introduction to Psychology) of the course for which you are getting credit.

Question Title

* 4. Please give the name of the instructor for this class

Please note that by clicking on "done" below, you are consenting for this information to be sent to the professor indicated above.