Our goal: To keep you updated on what is going on inside the head of the "Heads of Operation"

Please share your current top challenge as being head of operations in wind. All your top challenges will be turned into a survey so that all Heads of Operations, within O2O WIND, can give input on each other's top challenges.

Please avoid high-level or obvious top challenges such as maximize profit or increase power output. You will simply have less input from the others. Pick something itchy, minor or detailed. Something you believe that the others could have great info on and also something that would be very helpful for you to find a solution on.

It's not me getting lazy, it's me getting older. This set-up where you define the challenges and give input on each other's challenges is the most simple, most logic, most efficient and most valuable set-up we could have.

Please note that the survey will be completely anonymous. That is much better as you will always recognize your own question and will also appreciate more honest challenges from the others.

Question Title

* 1. My current top challenge in my role as head of operations - wind