SAMCODES ESG Working Group

Thank you for taking the time to provide the Working Group with feedback on our first Consultation Document. The responses to this will help ensure that updates to the SAMESG Guideline and integration of ESG considerations into the SAMCODES delivers what stakeholders expect of it.

If you would like to be added to our stakeholder database, please send an email to :

Your information will not be shared publicly and will only be used to contact you regarding this Working Group and its activities.

1.What is your primary role in CPR / MRR reporting?
2.Should updated ESG guidance for inclusion in CPR / MRR reports be prescriptive (strict minimum requirements) or guided (process driven)?
3.Should the Competent Person be able to proceed without an ESG subject matter expert contributing to the CPR / MRR report?
4.Should the Competent Person be expected to take responsibility for determining ESG materiality / salience / judgement when deciding on what must be included in CPR / MRR reports?
5.What other South African centric reporting requirements should be considered, or referenced where relevant, in CPR / MRR reporting, other than: Mining Charter III, Social and Labour Plan, Environmental Management Programme Report, Rehabilitation Trust Funds, Corporate Social Investment / Responsibility, BEEE, Latent and Residual Liabilities?
6.Would you like to see examples of leading practice of ESG disclosures be provided as part of the updated ESG guidance?
7.Can you provide examples or references of what you consider current Industry best / leading practice in ESG disclosure for CPR / MRR reports (e.g. case studies)?
8.How would you like to be engaged in the ESG guidance update, to provide your opinion and inputs on draft guidance? Please select all that apply.
9.Which of the format options list below would you prefer for the updated ESG disclosure requirements and guidance?
10.What do you consider the significant pitfalls in ESG disclosures in CPR / MRR reports?
11.Should the SAMCODES definitions be updated to include an additional definition for ESG as it relates to Mineral Reporting?
12.In your view, what are the top 3 ‘pivotal ESG criteria’ to be considered as a minimum when publicly reporting MRR information / estimates? Please select a maximum of 3.
13.What if any ESG criteria do you already report/disclose in your company CPR/MRR documents? List the top themes/criteria? Please select a maximum of 3.
14.Can you outline the overall capability your company has for incorporating consideration of ESG criteria into the Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve reporting process?
15.Do you perceive any significant risks arising from this initiative relevant to your company?