Main Event: Family, Friends & Neighbours

1.Name (First and Last)(Required.)
5.Age of children watching(Required.)
6.How did your children watch this episode?(Required.)
7.How many watched together?(Required.)
8.Where did you watch the episode from?(Required.)
9.Please rank the following from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree)(Required.)
1 - Strongly Agree
5 - Strongly Disagree
The content in this episode met my/our expectations
We plan to watch future Telling Tales online programming
After watching today's presentation, we plan to read one or more of the books featured.
My children will submit their work to the Creativity Club
My children will enter the Telling Tales contest associated with this episode
We were familiar with Telling Tales before watching this episode
We would recommend this festival to friends and family
10.Which episode(s) have you watched or do you plan to watch?
11.How did you find out about our virtual festival(Required.)
12.Was the ASL an important feature to you
13.On a scale from 1  (Very important to me) to 5 (Not important at all)  please rank the following(Required.)
1 - Important to me
5 - Not important at all
Time of broadcast
Featured Presenters
Musical Guests
Interactive Activities (crafts, singing)
Ability to re-watch on website
Connections to reading list
Free/available at no cost
No registration required
Creativity Club
14.Tell us what you liked best about the episode.
15.What suggestions do you have for this episode and/or future programming?
16.We would like to stay in touch with you and share more great information about Canadian authors, illustrators, storytellers and our festival. Would you like to sign up for our Telling Tales e-newsletter?(Required.)