BAA 2024 Annual Conference Exhibitor Evaluation

1.Enter your first and last name:(Required.)
2.Enter your email address (a certificate of attendance will be sent over once the survey is complete):(Required.)
3.Did you personally attend the exhibition?
4.How many BAA conferences have you exhibited at previously?
5.How would you rate the following services prior to attending the conference?
Not Applicable
Online exhibition manual
Selection of stands
Exhibitor prospectus
Booking process
Overall conference information
6.Overall how would you rate the organisation of the conference?
7.Did you take a sponsorship package (eg. Official BAA Sponsor, Sponsor, Media Sponsor)?
8.Did you sponsor delegates to attend the conference?
9.If you answered "Yes", how would you rate the registration process when you were registering sponsored delegates?
10.How would you describe the service you received from the exhibition stand contractor company, Event Specialists?
Did not use
Shell Scheme
Name Panels
Electricity Supply
11.To what extent did you find the audience relevant to your target audience?
12.How would you rate the timings of the refreshment breaks?
13.Was the conference good value for money in your opinion?
14.Would your company be interested in attending as an exhibitor at the 2025 BAA Annual Conference?
15.What could BAA improve for the 2025 Conference?