Thank you for your interest in becoming a Patient and Family Advisor (PFA) at Health Sciences North (HSN). Although PFAs do not have direct contact with patients, their role is vital to HSN as their opinions, ideas and input help influence change and have an impact on the care and services we provide to our patients and families. 
Selection of PFAs will be based upon the following criteria:
  • Have had both positive and negative perceptions of their hospital experience.
  • Reflect the diversity of those served by the hospital
  • Is not employed directly by HSN
*Only selected applicants will be contacted for an interview.

Question Title

* Last Name

Question Title

* First Name

Question Title

* Email address

Question Title

* Primary phone number?

Question Title

* Preferred method of communication?

Question Title

* Mailing Address

Question Title

* In the past 2 years, have you or a family member accessed services of Health Sciences North?

Question Title

* How did you hear about the Patient and Family Advisory Program?

Question Title

* Do you consider yourself to be....

Question Title

* How do you describe your gender identity? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* Current status that best describes you (please check one)

Question Title

* Why would you like to serve as a patient or family advisor?

Question Title

* What are some areas of special interest to you?

Question Title

* I would be interested in helping with:

Question Title

* Do you have any skills that would be advantageous to HSN

Question Title

* Please read and check before sending the application:

Question Title

* Please provide the name of a person not related to you who will provide a character reference for you

1. Reference

Question Title

* 2. Reference

Applicants who are selected for an interview will normally be contacted within 30 days of submission of the application form.
All information contained on this form is considered confidential and is intended for use by Health Sciences North's Patient and Family Advisor Liaison only. You may be contacted upon receipt of this application form to participate in a face-to-face interview.

If you have any questions please email them to:

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Patient and Family Advisor.