Young Adult Writers Living with a Mental Health Condition: Be a Part of Write On!

Learn how to find your voice, write your truth, and inspire others to seek help!

Write On! is a writing and advocacy program for people living with trauma and/or diagnosed with a mental health condition and/or substance use disorder and who want to become powerful storytellers and self-advocates. We believe in the power of words to transform and that sharing our stories is a way to help our mental health and end stigma. If you are selected to participate, you will advance your skills as a writer, learn how to use writing as a therapeutic tool in recovery, develop the confidence to share your work at public events or through online media channels, and become a vital part of educating your community on the realities of living with a mental health condition.

All interested participants must complete the following application to be considered for entry into the Write On! program. Class size is limited to 15 participants.

If you meet the following criteria, you will be considered as a candidate for selection: 

1) I am a young adult (age 18-29) with a mental health condition and/or substance use disorder and am actively in recovery 

2) I have goals of being a writer or storyteller, have advanced writing skills that I want to improve upon, and can commit to attending and participating in a 10-week writing workshop

3) I wish to educate the public about the realities and challenges of living with a mental health condition and/or substance use disorder, and will participate in a public awareness campaign through storytelling events and online campaigns

4) I can submit a writing sample of up to 500 words as a part of this application

5) I have Internet access and am able to participate in each virtual class via Zoom.

Complete all questions in this survey.
Completing an application does not secure your spot in the course.

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* 1. Please indicate yes or no for the following statements:

  Yes No
I have a mental health diagnosis and/or have experienced trauma that resulted in mental health or substance use challenges.
I consider myself as being in recovery

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* 2. Name the top TWO reasons you are interested in taking this class:

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* 4. Have you had any of your writing published previously? List anything, no matter how limited the audience (blogs, op-eds, school newspapers, etc.).

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* 5. How would you rate your comfort with technology?

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* 6. Please copy and paste in a writing sample that is less than 500 words. This can be published work or something you’re working on right now.

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* 7. Do you understand and agree to the following statements? (Click each response to confirm your understanding and agreement to the statement.)

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* 8. Please complete the following fields:

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* 9. Please complete the following: