Gap Analysis Inventory

Take a 24-Point Mental Health Quiz
Upstream Fitness

Has your organization bolstered a resilient, psychologically hardy workforce?

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* 1. Our workplace has conducted a needs assessment to determine perceived mental health strengths, stressors and barriers experienced by employees.

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* 2. Mental health benefits are accessible, offered to all employees and are covered at the same level as physical health.

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* 3. Leadership and management understand the link between physical and mental health, and promote an integrated approach to employee wellness.

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* 4. Leadership promotes a caring culture through recognition and reward of workplace mental health initiatives and peer support.

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* 5. Leadership and management promote and model emotional resilience by fostering a culture of community and true social connection.

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* 6. Managers are trained and expected to support work/life fit, job challenge and learning, employee recognition, and a climate of trust and respect.

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* 7. Our wellness and safety programs include mental health literacy and emotional resilience training.

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* 8. My workplace participates in local and/or national awareness efforts like community mental health events, National Suicide Prevention Week or Mental Health Month.

Midstream Fitness

Does your organization identify emerging potential mental health concerns and link people early to qualified resources?

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* 9. Leadership understands the business and legal case for early detection and treatment of mental health conditions and has a strategy to act on it.

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* 10. Managers have been trained in basic mental health literacy, support skills, and where to refer employees for emotional and mental health assistance.

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* 11. Managers, human resources, and legal staff are trained to provide reasonable accommodations quickly and effectively.

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* 12. Our employee handbook includes a disability discrimination policy outlining how to request a reasonable accommodation and the interactive process that follows.

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* 13. Leadership reassures those who are experiencing mental health challenges or overwhelming life experiences that they "have their back".

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* 14. My workplace has a known and accessible Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that has been vetted as a quality benefit.

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* 15. Leadership, managers, and EAP staff promote our EAP program and local and national mental health and wellness resources through diverse communication channels.

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* 16. Mental health screening days are promoted, encouraging employees to take a confidential self-assessment, with appropriate follow-up provided.

Downstream Fitness

Is your organization prepared to manage mental health emergencies and employees who are living through suicide crises?

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* 17. Workplace mental health intervention trainings are both evidence-based and culturally appropriate and offer opportunities to practice new skills.

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* 18. My workplace allows medical leave for mental health crises.

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* 19. My workplace has reintegration plans for employees who have been on medical leave for mental health crises or suicide attempt.

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* 20. Evidence-based suicide prevention trainings are offered as routinely as other life-saving trainings (e.g. CPR) and include how best to ask the suicide question.

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* 21. My workplace has a general critical incident protocol that includes coping with trauma.

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* 22. Communications staff have been trained in safe and effective messaging regarding suicide and mental health.

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* 23. My workplace provides grief support and long-term accommodations for people who are bereaved by suicide.

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* 24. Managers have a crisis management protocol specific to suicide death.

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* 25. If you'd like follow-up based on your scores and how you can create a mentally healthy workplace please provide your contact information: