Overview of Project

Thank you for taking this survey. The overall goal of our project is to understand the ways in which people have experienced mental health challenges, addictive behavior and suicide and how the workplace has helped or hindered these experiences. An individual’s concept of the soul and beliefs are often neglected when planning how to help people through difficult times. By providing us with a better understanding of your concept of the soul and your beliefs we are hoping to enhance the ways in which an individual's needs are being met. 

This survey is completely voluntary, anonymous and confidential. By completing it, you give us consent to use the findings in developing presentations and workshops and writing journal articles. There is no compensation for your participation in this survey. You can skip questions or opt out at any time.

There is not believed to be any harmful consequences to participating in this survey but should you find yourself in distress, The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available by calling or texting 988 (or visit https://988lifeline.org/). 

Who is facilitating this project?
Sarah Gaer, MA Suicide Prevention and Trauma Specialist
Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, Psychologist & President of United Suicide Survivors International

Here is our contact, if you have questions or concerns about this project, or if you would like to share additional information with us:

Sally Spencer-Thomas: (Cell) 720-244-6535 | SallySpencerThomas@gmail.com |www.SallySpencerThomas.com.
Sarah Gaer: (Cell) 413-896-0685 sarahgaer@gmail.com :  www.sarahgaer.com 

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts with us.

Question Title

* 1. I understand and consent to the survey as described to me above:

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. How do you identify?

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* 4. How do you identify? (race/ethnicity) - check all that apply

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* 6. With which industry have you worked in the most?

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* 7. Experiences with Mental Health Challenges, Addictive Behaviors and Suicide (check all that apply):

NOTE: For the purposes of this survey, from here forward these experiences will be collectively known as “mental health emergencies/challenges”.

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* 8. Were you working at the time you experienced your most impactful mental health emergency/challenge or suicide/overdose loss?

Understanding of “the Soul”

Question Title

* 9. Do you believe that there is such a thing as the SOUL?

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* 10. Which of the following definitions of the word SOUL do you relate to? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. In your own words, explain what you think the meaning of the term  “Soul Exhaustion” would be?

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* 12. What types of experiences do you think could cause someone to experience “Soul Exhaustion”?

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* 13. What types of things (Soul Care) do you think could best help to repair a person’s Soul Exhaustion? (check all that apply)

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* 14. How is “Soul Care” different from “Self Care”?

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* 15. How does “soul care” show up at work?

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* 16. Is there anything that you think could repair soul exhaustion that was not listed above? If so, please share.

Workplace Postvention and the Impact on Soul
NOTE: For the purposes of this survey “mental health emergencies/challenges” include things like depression, anxiety, overwhelm, addictive behaviors, suicidal intensity/behavior, and caregiving for someone experiencing mental health challenges.

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* 17. When you had your mental health emergency/challenge(s), how did your workplace respond in relation to the impact on your soul?

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* 18. When you had your loved one or coworker died by suicide, how did your workplace respond in relation to the impact on your soul?

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* 19. If you believe your soul was impacted, please consider the most intense mental health challenge or suicide loss experience and tell us how (MATRIX)

  Soul significantly harmed Soul slightly harmed Soul neither helped nor harmed Soul slightly helped Soul significantly helped N/A
Co-workers’ Response
Supervisor(s)’ Response
Top Leadership’s Response
HR Response
EAP (employee assistance program) response

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* 20. What injured or exhausted your soul the most when you consider your workplace’s response?

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* 21. What workplace responses supported your soul or helped your soul heal?

Thank you for your input!

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* 22. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?