1. Association Alliance Pilot Program Application - WorkforceAlchemy.com

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100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Did anyone specific refer you to us? If so, who?

Question Title

* 2. How significant are the following challenges for YOUR association/organization?

  Not significant Slightly significant Significant Very significant Extremely significant
Getting new members
Retaining existing members

Question Title

* 3. How well are you CURRENTLY meeting the following challenges for YOUR association/organization?

  Need to do MUCH better Could use SOME improvement Doing OK The STATUS QUO is pretty good Things couldn't be better
Getting new members
Retaining existing members

Question Title

* 4. What best describes the scope of your responsibility?

Question Title

* 5. How many members do you have in the United States and/or Canada?

Question Title

* 6. How significant are the following challenges for YOUR MEMBERS and the companies they work for?

  Not significant Slightly significant Significant Very significant Extremely significant
Getting more done with fewer people/Controlling labor costs
Increasing revenue/Sales
Conflict between employees and supervisors
Work quality
Hiring/Firing mistakes (frequency, severity & costs)
Speed & cost of recruiting
Unwanted employee turnover
Theft (fake injuries, time, expense accounts, products, etc)
Training time and expenses
Career path/Succession planning to prepare people in advance

Question Title

* 7. How would you describe the TYPICAL roles played by YOUR MEMBERS in the companies they work for?

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* 8. How would you describe the SIZE of the companies MOST of YOUR MEMBERS work for?

Question Title

* 9. How well do your members respond to the following communication channels?

  Completely ignore it Might get their attention once in a while They seem to pay attention They pay much closer attention They LOVE it, pay close attention and share these communications with others!
Electronic Newsletters
Printed Newsletters
Live Meetings / Announcements

Question Title

* 10. Contact Information: