Woodley CofE Primary Questionnaire KS2 2025 Woodley CofE Primary Questionnaire KS2 2025 Question Title * 1. What is the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name? For example, Asif Mahmoud = AM Question Title * 2. On what day is your birthday? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Don't know Question Title * 3. In what month is your birthday? January February March April May June July August September October November December Don't know Question Title * 4. Are you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl Prefer not to say Question Title * 5. What school year are you in? Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Question Title * 6. What physical activity do you do in your spare time? Never 1-2 times per week 3-4 times per week 5-6 times per week 7+ times per week Walking Walking Never Walking 1-2 times per week Walking 3-4 times per week Walking 5-6 times per week Walking 7+ times per week Skipping Skipping Never Skipping 1-2 times per week Skipping 3-4 times per week Skipping 5-6 times per week Skipping 7+ times per week Cycling Cycling Never Cycling 1-2 times per week Cycling 3-4 times per week Cycling 5-6 times per week Cycling 7+ times per week Jogging/Running Jogging/Running Never Jogging/Running 1-2 times per week Jogging/Running 3-4 times per week Jogging/Running 5-6 times per week Jogging/Running 7+ times per week Swimming Swimming Never Swimming 1-2 times per week Swimming 3-4 times per week Swimming 5-6 times per week Swimming 7+ times per week Football Football Never Football 1-2 times per week Football 3-4 times per week Football 5-6 times per week Football 7+ times per week Skateboarding Skateboarding Never Skateboarding 1-2 times per week Skateboarding 3-4 times per week Skateboarding 5-6 times per week Skateboarding 7+ times per week Badminton Badminton Never Badminton 1-2 times per week Badminton 3-4 times per week Badminton 5-6 times per week Badminton 7+ times per week Hockey Hockey Never Hockey 1-2 times per week Hockey 3-4 times per week Hockey 5-6 times per week Hockey 7+ times per week Other Other Never Other 1-2 times per week Other 3-4 times per week Other 5-6 times per week Other 7+ times per week Question Title * 7. In the last 7 days, during your physical education (PE) classes, how often were you very active (running fast, jumping until you were out of breath, throwing lots of times)? I don't do PE Hardly ever Sometimes Quite often Always Question Title * 8. In the last 7 days, what did you do most of the time at breaktime? Sat down (talking, reading, doing schoolwork) Stood around or walked around Ran or played a little bit Ran around and played quite a bit Ran and played hard most of the time Question Title * 9. In the last 7 days, what did you normally do at lunch (besides eating lunch)? Sat down (talking, reading, doing schoolwork Stood around or walked around Ran or played a little bit Ran around and played quite a bit Ran and played hard most of the time Question Title * 10. In the last 7 days, how many days have you done sports, dance, or played games that involved moving around a lot straight after school? None 1 time last week 2 or 3 times last week 4 or 5 times last week 6 or 7 times last week Question Title * 11. In the last 7 days, on how many evenings did you do sports, dance, or played games that involved you moving around a lot? None 1 time last week 2 or 3 times last week 4 or 5 last week 6 or 7 times last week Question Title * 12. On the last weekend, how many times did you do sports, dance, or play games in which you were very active? None 1 time 2-3 times 4-5 times 6 or more times Question Title * 13. Which one of the following best describes your activity over the last 7 days? Read all five statements before deciding on the one answer that describes you. All or most of my free time was spent doing little physical effort I sometimes (1-2 times last week) did physical things in my free time(e.g. played sports, went running, swimming, bike riding, did aerobics) I often (3-4 times last week) did physical things in my free time I quite often (5-6 times last week) did physical things in my free time I very often (7 or more times last week) did physical things in my free time Question Title * 14. How often did you do physical activity (for example playing sports, games or doing dance) each day last week? None Little bit Medium Often Very often Monday Monday None Monday Little bit Monday Medium Monday Often Monday Very often Tuesday Tuesday None Tuesday Little bit Tuesday Medium Tuesday Often Tuesday Very often Wednesday Wednesday None Wednesday Little bit Wednesday Medium Wednesday Often Wednesday Very often Thursday Thursday None Thursday Little bit Thursday Medium Thursday Often Thursday Very often Friday Friday None Friday Little bit Friday Medium Friday Often Friday Very often Saturday Saturday None Saturday Little bit Saturday Medium Saturday Often Saturday Very often Sunday Sunday None Sunday Little bit Sunday Medium Sunday Often Sunday Very often Question Title * 15. I know healthy food choices are important: Yes No I do not know what heathy food choices are Question Title * 16. I make healthy food choices every day: Never Sometimes Often Always Done