Town of Winthrop
Shoreline Master Program Update
The Town of Winthrop is conducting a comprehensive and periodic update of its Shoreline Master Program (SMP) as required by state law. The SMP applies to all lakes over 20 acres, and larger streams (over 20 cubic feet per second) as well as associated wetlands and uplands at least 200 feet on a horizontal plane from the Ordinary-High-Water-Mark of the shoreline. The Methow River, Chewuch River and any associated wetlands are within the jurisdiction of the SMP. This project will focus on updating policies and regulations to ensure consistency with current state law. Your input is important to this process.
Please help guide this project by providing your input to the following questions.
Skip any that do not apply to you.
What is your relationship to shorelines of the Methow River and Chewuch River within the Town of Winthop? (Check all that apply)
I recreate along shorelines (e.g. walk beaches or trails, camp near shorelines, etc.).
I boat or fish on the water bodies.
I have a business dependent on Winthrop shorelines.
I own, rent or have access to, property within 200 feet of the the Methow River
I own, rent or have access to, property within 200 feet of the the Chewuch River
Other (please describe)
The state Shoreline Management Act requires local SMPs to balance three goals: Use & Development, Public Access, and Resource Protection along our local shorelines of the state. Which of the following SMP Governing Principles are important to you (select all that apply):
Ensuring local regulations are consistent with state laws & rules
Achieving local planning policies through both regulatory & non-regulatory means
Avoiding infringement upon private property rights
Applying SMP regulations only to shoreline areas & applying SMP planning functions more broadly across watersheds
Protect shoreline ecological functions
Other (please describe)
What types of use and development activities would you like to see maintained and/or increased in the shorelines of the Methow River and Chewuch River within the Town of Winthop? (select all that apply):
Public access to the shoreline (visual and/or physical)
Private access to the shoreline (path/stairs to the water)
Commercial development (consistent with allowed zoning uses)
Education opportunities
Boat ramps
Residential development
Projects that improve water quality
Restoration of shoreline habitat
Vegetation management (such as removal of hazard trees and invasive species)
Other (please describe)
Questions #4-9: For Recent Permit Applicants
Have you inquired about, applied for, or been issued a shoreline permit by the Town of Winthrop? If yes, which type or permit (select one and describe the type of development):
Shoreline Exemption
Shoreline Conditional Use Permit
Shoreline Variance
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
Please describe
Were there any barriers you ran into when attempting to permit a project in Shoreline Jurisdiction? Were the barriers financial, regulatory, or other? (describe):
When presented with the SMP Regulations, were you able to easily comprehend the intent of the regulations, and did you clearly understand the permitting process?
Did you fully understand what was expected from you (i.e. applications, reports, fees) and the reasons for certain requirements such as special reports?
Could you easily get your questions answered in a meaningful and timely manner? (describe):
If you answered questions #4-8, what could be done to improve the regulations, process, etc?
Are there any sections of the SMP or specific provisions that you think the Town needs to revise? (describe):
Are there any changes to local circumstance, new information, or improved data the Town needs to consider regarding the SMP? (describe):
Is there anything else you would like to share about the SMP comprehensive review and update?
How would you prefer to contribute to the update effort?
Field Trip
Online meeting
Not interested
Please provide your email address
Thank YOU for your time!
For more information about the SMP periodic review/update, please see the project website.
For questions or to sign up to be notified of SMP periodic review/update events, please contact:
Kurt Danison, Contract Planner