Exit this survey 2015 Winter Maintenance Question Title * 1. Where are you located? Midwest Northeast Southeast South Great Plains Northwest Southwest Question Title * 2. Do you work at the state, county or city level? State County City Township Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How would you describe your winter last year in terms of snow accumulation? Less than the average Average More than the average Question Title * 4. What are you anticipating the snow accumulation will be for 2015-16? Less than the average Average More than the average Question Title * 5. Has your budget for winter maintenance been reduced, increased or has it stayed the same compared to last year? It has been reduced. It has remained the same. It was increased. Question Title * 6. If your budget has been reduced, by approximately how much? Less than 5% 6-10% 11-15% More than 15% Question Title * 7. Is the price for salt more, the same or less compared to last year? It is more. It is the same. It is less. Question Title * 8. Is the price for deicing, anti-icing chemicals more, the same or less compared to last year? It is more. It is the same. It is less. Question Title * 9. Did you run out of salt trying to fight last year's brutal winter? Yes No Question Title * 10. What is your weapon of choice when it comes to fighting snow? Abrasives Abrasives and salt Salt Salt and a deicing agent Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Are you looking to purchase any winter maintenance equipment heading into the season? Yes No I don't know Question Title * 12. If yes, what are you planning to purchase? Plows Spreaders Trucks All of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. To be entered into the drawing, please submit your email address here. Done