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* 1. Where are you located?

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* 2. Do you work at the state, county or city level?

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* 3. How would you describe your winter last year in terms of snow accumulation?

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* 4. What are you anticipating the snow accumulation will be for 2015-16?

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* 5. Has your budget for winter maintenance been reduced, increased or has it stayed the same compared to last year?

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* 6. If your budget has been reduced, by approximately how much?

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* 7. Is the price for salt more, the same or less compared to last year?

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* 8. Is the price for deicing, anti-icing chemicals more, the same or less compared to last year?

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* 9. Did you run out of salt trying to fight last year's brutal winter?

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* 10. What is your weapon of choice when it comes to fighting snow?

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* 11. Are you looking to purchase any winter maintenance equipment heading into the season?

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* 12. If yes, what are you planning to purchase?

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* 13. To be entered into the drawing, please submit your email address here.