Williamson County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

The Williamson County Office of Emergency Management together with the fire protection districts within the County are developing a Williamson County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Please take the time to answer the following survey questions relating to your county/community plan.

It is understood that some communities within the County have already developed community wildfire protection plans, input is still beneficial in the development of a strong collaborative, community based plan.  The answers to this survey will assist us in identifying local values and understanding the general attitude about the hazards and risks related to wildfire in your community.

Note: The term Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is used throughout the survey.  WUI is defined as:  The wildland-urban interface (WUI) is the area where houses meet or in- termingle with undeveloped wildland vegetation. The WUI is thus a focal area for human- environment conflicts, such as the destruction of homes by wildfires, habitat fragmentation, introduction of exotic species, and biodiversity decline.

Please contact laura.johnston@tetratech.com with follow-up questions, comments or concerns. 

The Williamson County CWPP Core and Stakeholder Committees thank you in advance for providing your feedback through this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Williamson County FD'sWhere in Williamson County do you live?

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* 2. Which Fire Protection District is your property located in (see map for locations of each fire protection district)?

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* 3. Please answer the following question to help us characterize your role(s) in your community.

I am interested in the Community Wildfire Protection Plan as a: (Please check all that apply)

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* 4. What is your experience/knowledge level concerning wildfire? Check all that apply.

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* 5. If you are a private landowner living in Williamson County, do you live in an area where wildfire is a threat?

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* 6. What are your most pressing thoughts or concerns regarding wildfire?

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* 7. Please list your thoughts or concerns regarding the impacts of vegetation reduction projects on the natural landscape.

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* 8. Please rate from low to high (1 to 10) what you value most about where you live or manage property.

  Low Medium High
Recreation Opportunities
Maintaining Property Values
Wildlife and Ecological Value
Views / Natural Beauty
Access to Public Lands
Clean Water and Air

Question Title

* 9. From lowest to highest (1-10) please rate your concerns about a fire threatening your community.

  Low Medium High N/A
Damage to your home
Personal safety and the safety of family members
Economic disruption
Damage to the Land and Wildlife
Damage to the Watershed or Water Supply
Post-fire erosion and/or landslides
Smoke impacts/Property Value Loss/Loss of Insurability

Question Title

* 10. Please rate your thoughts on the following statements:

  Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree I don't know
We can create landscapes that are more fire-safe while protecting/enhancing conservation values.
I am interested in learning more so that I can better assist with protecting/enhancing conservation values.
Building stronger coalitions of conservation groups, land management agencies, regulatory agencies, & fire safety organizations is necessary to secure the funding & support needed to address  fire issues within Williamson County &communities.
We have sufficient funding to address fire safety issues in the region.
The risk of damaging wildfire is increasing.
We need better science before we can effectively manage fuels at the wildland-urban interface on the landscape-level
Some natural systems/species depend on fire to rejuvenate.
The State Forest Service is the best lead agency to provide citizens with the tools, knowledge, and assistance to create a more fire-safe landscape at the regional level.
I believe that the current level of wildfire preparation and response is sufficient to save lives and property in our region.
I believe fire responders in my area are well equipped to deal with a wildland fire incident and capable of mounting an effective response.

Question Title

* 11. Please rank your interest in the topics listed below. This information will help formulate future educational programs from various agencies/institutions.

  Not interested Somewhat interested Interested Very Interested This is one of my most pressing needs for information Not able to answer at this time
Nonprofit presentation - land management concerns at the wildland-urban interface
Nonprofit, agency, and scientist presentation - The Community Wildfire Prevention Planning process in our region
Scientific presentation - fire behavior modeling
Scientific presentation - plant species adaptations to fire
Scientific presentation - terrestrial habitat impacts from varying fire frequency
Scientific presentation - aquatic impacts from varying fire frequency/intensity
Agency presentation - fire fighting techniques
Agency presentation - prescribed fire and land management
Insurance business presentation - fire preparation and insurance costs/risk assessment

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* 12. How safe do you feel from a wildland fire?

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* 13. If an evacuation notice were issued that included the area where you live or manage property, which of the following describes your response? Select all that apply.

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* 14. If you were to evacuate, would everyone who lives or works on the property know which route to use?

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* 15. In the event of an evacuation, do you have a prearranged meeting place known to everyone who lives or works on the property?

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* 16. Rate your comfort level from 1-5

  Very uncomfortable Very comfortable
Cutting and chipping hazard fuel within 100 feet of your home.
Knowing when to notify authorities regarding burning for vegetation management.
Understand appropriate processes to dispose of brush and hazardous fuel material that has been stacked into piles.
Using prescribed burns to reduce hazardous fuel in remote locations inside the watershed.
Using goats to reduce hazardous fuel.
Working collaboratively with other home owners and large land owners to create shaded fuel breaks to stop or slow large wildfires before they reach your home
Having hand crews under the supervision of the Texas Forest Service work on public lands and in the vicinity of your property.

Question Title

* 17. Please rate your thoughts on the following conclusions.

I would do wildfire prevention and mitigation work on the property where I live or work...

  Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree I don't know
...regardless of what anyone else does
...only if the work would be cost shared with government or private agencies
...only if the work would be fully funded by government or private agencies
...only if other landowners and managers, such as open space or water company agencies, are doing work on adjacent land.
...only if I can be convinced the work will improve the survivability of my home.
...only if required by local fire agency
...under no circumstances.

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* 18. Are you aware of any assistance programs for creating and maintaining defensible space for the property where you live or work?

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* 19. Is the brush cleared annually around the structures on the property (such as your home, place work, etc.)?

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* 20. How would you describe the defensible space around the structure(s) on the property?

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* 21. How would you describe the roof(s) on the structure(s) on the property?

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* 22. Which of the following accurately describes your firefighting water supply? Check all that apply.

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* 23. Which of the following accurately describes access to the structure(s) on the property? Check all that apply.

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* 24. Please list 1 or 2 roles and responsibilities of the public (residents, homeowners, and community leaders) that you feel are the most important for preparing your community for wildfire:

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* 25. Please list 1 or 2 roles and responsibilities of government agencies (land managers, fire services, and regulatory agencies) that you feel are the most important for preparing your community for wildfire:

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* 26. Please list 1 or 2 ways government agencies can best help the public to achieve their roles and responsibilities:

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* 27. Please list 1 or 2 ways the public can best help government agencies to achieve their roles and responsibilities:

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* 28. Use the space below for any additional thoughts or comments not addressed in this survey.