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Your Input Matters!

Please take this 5-minute survey about transportation safety in the City of White Plains.

Question Title

* 1. How often do you utilize the following modes of transportation? Choose one rating for each mode.

  Never At least once a year Monthly Weekly 2-3 times per week Everyday
Take a Bus
Take a Train
Ride a Scooter
Drive a motor vehicle

Question Title

* 2. How safe do you feel while driving, walking, cycling, or using public transportation in the City of White Plains? Choose one rating for each mode.

  Unsafe Somewhat Safe Safe Very Safe
Taking a bus
Taking a train

Question Title

* 3. What do you believe are the most critical transportation safety issues in the City of White Plains? Choose your top three concerns.

Question Title

* 4. Please rate how each of the ideas below could improve transportation safety

  Not at All Very Little Somewhat To a Great Extent
Reduce vehicular traffic speed through improved design
Expand the network of safe bike lanes and sidewalks
Incorporate more inclusive design for people with disabilities
Provide accessible public transit options
Provide education and outreach (free classes, community events, listening sessions, etc.)
Conduct media campaigns
Strengthen enforcement of traffic laws
Explore high-tech solutions (such as traffic safety cameras, systems in cars, speed limiters in cars, etc.)

Question Title

* 5. Please provide specific streets or street intersections where you feel less safe and share your reasons.

33% of survey complete.