QUIZ: Which Winter Bird are YOU?

With summer days behind us, you may have noticed that your neighborhood birds have changed. Some species have migrated south to warmer climes, and other new faces have appeared to enjoy our relatively mild southwestern winters.

Who are these winter arrivals, and which one are YOU most like?
Take our short quiz to find out!

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* My ideal vacation

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* I prefer to be

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* How vocal are you?

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40% - 60%: Common Raven

70% - 80%: Mountain Chickadee

90% - 100%: Evening Grosbeak

Common Raven (Corvus corax)  
Even on the coldest, most inhospitable day, you are almost sure to spot a Common Raven. Tough, versatile, and wickedly smart, these large birds are typically found in pairs or small groups unlike American Crows. An opportunistic feeder and found in a variety of habitats, Common Ravens come closer to town in winter to take advantage of holiday leftovers.

Mountain Chickadee (Poecile gambeli) 
Dwelling primarily in high elevation conifer forests, the pixie-like Mountain Chickadee appears at feeders in the winter to take advantage of energy-rich seeds. They do not like millet, so to attract them, avoid seed mixes dominated by this inexpensive filler. Typically found in flocks, Mountain Chickadees forage actively in trees, and during insect outbreaks, are credited with removing unwanted pests. One pint-sized bird was observed to eat over 200 pine-destroying caterpillars!

Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus) 
A stunning and substantial bird, the appearance of this forest-dweller at feeders truly heralds winter. Males sport kingly yellow eyebrows and are unmistakable. Females, although less flashy, are demurely beautiful, making flocks interesting to watch. As their large bill suggests, they are primarily a seed-eating species but will eat fruit, berries, and budding leaves. In courtship, the male will dance with the female with tail raised, and both male and female bow to each other.

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