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* 1. Rate your satisfaction with the ministry of the Western North Dakota Synod

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* 2. I am a:

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* 3. What is the Western North Dakota Synod known for?

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* 4. What is the greatest value the Western North Dakota Synod provides to your congregation?

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* 5. What is your opinion of the Office of the Bishop and the way they serve the synod?

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* 6. Review ‘Why’ statement from the synod

“To encourage and equip the ministries of the Western North Dakota Synod – ELCA, so that the Good News of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, and all God’s children feel welcomed and included in the ministries to which God calls us.”

What words stand out for you?

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* 7. What pieces of the Why statement surprise you?

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* 8. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being you hate it and 10 being you love it), how do you connect with this Why?

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* 9. With this ‘why’ statement in mind, what are your hopes for the Western North Dakota Synod in the next decade? What does success look like?

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* 10. What else would you like to share?