Bio-Techne - eHandbook for Conducting Western Blots Please complete the form below This Western Blot eHandbook provides a starting point to understand the principles behind this common technique for protein detection and quantification. Explore our step-by-step guide to execute a standard western blot protocol, complete with tips for troubleshooting. Learn how to accurately analyze data to achieve reliable and reproducible results. This eHandbook is suitable for both students and researchers new to western blotting and wishing to master the technique, and skilled scientists wanting a refresher. Request to download now and get started learning today!It includes information about: A brief history and the main principles behind western blotting ProteinSimple’s Simple Western platform (fully automated gel-free, blot-free westerns) Proper controls, antibody validation, and data normalization Traditional western blot workflow and standard protocol Troubleshooting tips Question Title * 1. Would you like to receive a copy of the Bio-Techne 'Conducting Western Blots' eHandbook? Yes, please email me a digital copy of Bio-Techne's 'Conducting Western Blots' eHandbook Question Title * 2. Would you like to receive a digital version and/or hard copy of any other literature pieces offered by Cedarlane? If yes, please specify: Question Title * 3. Contact Information (Please note that being mailed a hard copy is only available for Canadian addresses): Name: * Institute * Dept/Rm # Street Address * City/Town: * State/Province: * Postal Code: * Country: * Email Address: * Phone Number: * Question Title * 4. Please select your area(s) of research Agriculture/Botany/Entomology Antibodies Aquaculture Autoimmunity Biochemistry/Chemistry Biophysics Bone Health Books Cancer Carbohydrates/Glycobiology Cardiology Cell Biology Cell Culture Cell Signaling Complement Research Cytogenetics Cytokines/Growth Factors Diabetes/Obesity Diagnostics/Clinical Endocrinology Environmental Flow Cytometry Food Science/Nutrition Forensics Gasteroenterology Hematology HLA/Transplantation Hormones/Stress Testing Immunology Lipids Material Science/Engineering/Geology Mircobiology/Virology Microscopy Molecular Biology/PCR Nephrology Neuroscience Opthamology Pathology/Histochemistry Peptides/Proteomics Pharmacology/Cosmetics Psychiatry/Psychology Purchasing Reproductive Biology/Fertility Sample Collection & Prep Stem Cells/Developmental Biology Toxicology Veterinary/Zoology Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Please add me to the Cedarlane email list Yes No (blank) Next