West Frankfort Bicycle Master Plan West Frankfort is participating in the development of a bicycle master plan facilitated by the Greater Egypt Regional Planning and Development Commission on behalf of the city. The plan aims to guide future bicycle infrastructure improvements.This survey will be open until December 31st. For more information about the Master Plan, visit www.WestFrankfortBikePlan.comThank you for participating in our survey! Your feedback is important. The survey should take about 10 minutes, with an opportunity to provide in-depth feedback on many questions. The survey aims to help identify potential routes, prioritize destinations, and determine other aspects of the plan. The final Bicycle Master Plan is expected to be complete in Summer 2025. Join us for the first public open house in our planning process! This is your chance to share ideas with the planning team about preferred routes and destinations.Tuesday, December 10th: West Frankfort City Hall, 5:00 - 6:00pm (stop by anytime) Page1 / 7 14% of survey complete. Next