West Falls is the recipient of $4.5 million in funding through New York State’s NY Forward (NYF) program; these funds will be awarded to eligible public, private, and nonprofit projects that have the highest potential to transform the West Falls community. An Open Call for Projects was held between June 12th and July 17th to receive funding proposals from project sponsors. The Local Planning Committee (LPC) is currently evaluating these proposals and looking for input from the public on each project submitted for consideration. The LPC will submit its final slate of funding recommendations to New York State as part of a Strategic Investment Plan. We are asking the public to help inform the process by completing this project feedback form, responses gathered from this form will be reviewed by the LPC and assist them as they make their final recommendations to the State.

The West Falls NYF Local Planning Committee (LPC), selected five (5) evaluation criteria that will be used when they assess each project. We are also asking the public to evaluate how well each project aligns with these criteria by ranking the projects as having a “High,” “Medium,” or “Low” alignment. Basic information about each project is provided below. There are a total of 14 different projects for which we are seeking feedback. Each project should take no more than 2-3 minutes to evaluate. There is not an option to save the form and complete it later. We recommend setting aside approximately 45-60 minutes to evaluate all projects.

Please note that total project cost and NYF funding requested are preliminary. These amounts may change as projects are further refined and developed in the coming months and as additional matching funds are identified. In addition to the projects contained on the following pages, an additional five projects were recommended for funding through a $300,000 Small Project Fund that will be created later on. These projects will be evaluated as part of a subsequent application process.