Our FIVE winners will be selected at random from ALL those who participate in this survey. You must be 18 years of age or older to win one of the following: two $250 U.S. cash prizes and three wellness retreats generously donated by WTA Members Art of Living Retreat Center, Canyon Ranch and Fivelements. 
The deadline to participate has been extended to midnight EST, September 30th and the five winners, selected at random from ALL those who participated, will be contacted by mid-October via email (or phone if you prefer) and will each have 48 hours to respond before another name is selected, again at random. Only ONE entry per person will be accepted for the draw.   
If you have any questions before you commence the survey, feel free to contact the Wellness Tourism Association
Ok, here we go! 

Question Title

* 1. 1. In general, I include wellness activities when I travel

Question Title

* 2. 2. I have been on at least one wellness vacation.

Question Title

* 3. 3. I am currently planning a wellness vacation

Question Title

* 4. If you answered TRUE to the above question, please tell us what type of travel you are planning.

Question Title

* 5. 4. If you are planning to take a Wellness Vacation this year or next what would be the ONE MAIN GOAL?

Question Title

* 6. 5. What do you feel are the Must Haves for your personal Wellness Vacation?

Question Title

* 7. 6. What would be the perfect length of stay for your Wellness Vacation:

Question Title

* 8. 7. With whom do you/would you prefer to travel with on a Wellness Vacation?

Question Title

* 9. 8. What type of Wellness Vacation do you / would you prefer?

Question Title

* 10. 9. How much would you be willing to spend on a five-day all-inclusive (except for transportation) Wellness Vacation?

10. When you travel for leisure, what assets, amenities, and activities are most important to you?

Question Title

* 11. A hotel environment with sustainable and green practices in place

Question Title

* 12. Restaurant menus that cater to various dietary restrictions and preferences

Question Title

* 13. Access to learning opportunities (wellness-focused classes, heathy-eating demos, sessions with wellness coaches, etc.)

Question Title

* 14. Guest rooms with an air filtration system to guarantee purified air 

Question Title

* 15. Spaces / classes / activities to meet and engage with like-minded people

Question Title

* 16. Access to mental wellness professionals

Question Title

* 17. Access to fitness activities in nature

Question Title

* 18. A certified safe and clean hotel environment

Question Title

* 19. Local offerings (EG: Indigenous/authentic experiences, locally-made guest room amenities, etc.)

Question Title

* 20. Opportunities to help support a destination's local economy through its hotels, restaurants, small businesses, and tourist attractions.

Question Title

* 21. A purified water system throughout the hotel

11. Please answer the following open-ended questions:

Question Title

* 22. If you experienced a wellness vacation over the last couple of years, where did you go, and how did you feel about the overall experience?

Question Title

* 23. Finding the perfect fit wellness vacation or wellness retreat is not always easy. What do YOU feel is most needed to further help travelers, just like YOU, find the best fit?  

12. When researching and planning a wellness vacation or other wellness travel experience, different resources are important to different people. Listed below are a number of information sources. For each item, please click one box to show how important that source is to YOU when planning a wellness vacation or other wellness travel experiences.

Question Title

* 24. General Travel Agents

Question Title

* 25. General Brochures/Travel Guides

Question Title

* 26. Friends/Family Members

Question Title

* 27. General Tour Operators

Question Title

* 28. Advertisements in General Magazines

Question Title

* 29. Wellness Travel Agent Specialists 

Question Title

* 30. Special Interest Brochures

Question Title

* 31. Advertisements in Health and Fitness Magazines

Question Title

* 32. Email newsletters that you have subscribed to

Question Title

* 33. Internet search (Eg. Google)

Question Title

* 34. A social media Wellness Travel Influencer

Question Title

* 35. A podcast

Question Title

* 36. Youtube

Question Title

* 37. Instagram

Question Title

* 38. Facebook

Question Title

* 39. If Other (Please specify)

Just a few more questions and you're done!

Question Title

* 40. 13. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 41. 14. In what year were you born? (enter 4-digit birth year; for example, 1976)

Question Title

* 42. 15. Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?

Question Title

* 43. 16. What is your current employment status?

Question Title

* 44. 17. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Thank you for participating in this survey! We SO appreciate your help. Now, to be entered in the draw to win one of the FIVE prizes, we just need your contact info. If you win and prefer to be contacted by phone, please add your phone number as well in the space provided. Survey deadline is September 30th, and the winner's name will be drawn at random from all who have participated in the survey and have filled out the following. The winner will be contacted by email (or phone) by mid-October and will have 48 hours in which to respond and claim their prize. Thank you again for participating. Your personal information is safe with us and will not be shared.

Question Title

* 45. To be eligible to win one of the two cash prizes, please give us your contact information

Question Title

* 46. And finally, would you like to receive our free monthly e-newsletter with updated info on wellness living, wellness travel and wellness vacations/retreats?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING OUR SURVEY!! You are helping the industry help all wellness-minded travelers.