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Pulse Survey - Wellbeing Program
Please rate the response from staff to incidents around King's College? (1 lowest and 5 highest)
1 - Poor
2 - Below Average
3 - Average
4 - Good
5 - Excellent
Please rate the knowledge staff hold within the Wellbeing space? (1 lowest and 5 highest)
1 - Poor
2 - Below Average
3 - Average
4 - Above Average
5 - Excellent
Please rate your own knowledge and awareness of how to seek support at the King's College? (1 lowest and 5 highest)
1 - Poor
2 - Below Average
3 - Average
4 - Above Average
5 - Excellent
Please rate the quality of support from the Residential Leadership team? (1 lowest and 5 highest)
1 - Poor
2 - Below Average
3 - Average
4 - Above Average
5 - Excellent
Please rate the quality of support from the Associate Deans of Student Support? (1 lowest and 5 highest)
1 - Poor
2 - Below Average
3 - Average
4 - Above Average
5 - Excellent
Please rate the quality of resources provided within the Wellbeing space at King's College? (1 lowest and 5 highest)
1 - Poor
2 - Below Average
3 - Average
4 - Above Average
5 - Excellent
Please rate the overall quality of the Wellbeing program at King's College.
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
Please make a comment if you have more to add.