Wayfinding Introduction

8% of survey complete.
The City of Tacoma is undertaking an effort to better help visitors and customers get where they are going in the downtown area. To better accomplish this, the City has partnered with some local organizations to better evaluate visitor patterns in downtown. To help guide this process, they are interested in public feedback on visitor destinations as they reach downtown.

The following pages will identify 10 locations in downtown where visitors enter the City by vehicle. You are then asked to help identify destinations potential visitors are seeking. The destinations listed are only ideas presented by past public input and should not limit your input. Please note though, that since the signs are typically limited to a maximum of five locations, you have been asked to identify no more than five destinations.

As you think about what destinations are appropriate please remember that those destinations that are likely to appeal to the most visitors are going to be those both famous and interesting. Furthermore, most visitors will be able to get 90% of the way to their destination, so locations nearby are more commonly sought and more useful than something far away.

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete, but you can return to it at any time.